Hiking with the dog

// Off to new adventures - hiking with the dog

The sun is shining, the weather is pleasant and your dog is ready for a walk – why not go for a hike? With the right preparation and the right equipment, nothing stands in the way of an experience for two and four-legged friends. We reveal what to look for before you go!

Starts at home planning the route of the walk, which should be adapted to the fitness of the dog. In addition to sufficient breaks, sufficient drinking water should also be available for the four-legged friend. It’s best to set off early in the morning so that you can stop off at your destination during your lunch break – this is much more pleasant for both you and the dog. Because heat is not good for the four-legged friends and even a car ride can become a burden. Reminder: never leave the dog alone in the car, not even for a few minutes, it could be fatal!

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Faster up the mountain – with muzzle

The backpack is packed, the route planned: We’re ready to go! If you want to start your hike right at the top of the mountain and use the gondola, don’t forget the muzzle, because it is mandatory here. But also when hiking near lakes, where you might spontaneously take a boat ride, you should think of the muzzle. A LimuZZ muzzle is flexible and lightweight, so it can be easily stowed in a hiking backpack without taking up much space.

Anyone who goes out into nature should take the leash or muzzle requirement seriously, because especially when encountering grazing animals or wild animals such as deer, rabbits, etc. it can be quite dicey. Again and again we hear about attacks of cows, especially mother cows, which are triggered by dog encounters on the mountain pasture. Leash your dog, put on a muzzle for safety, and hurry past the animals in a wide arc – that’s the usual advice.

Relaxed stop

After the strenuous hike, everyone is now thirsty and hungry – off to the next inn. A leash is compulsory here, the muzzle alone would not suffice here, but can be put on for safety. Because despite LimuZZ muzzle, your dog can drink super and fortify himself with water at the hut or inn. If you have hiked well, you are also hungry: Just as you yourself are happy about a good snack, the dog may also be rewarded with treats. This way, the shared hiking experience will certainly be remembered by dog, mistress and master!

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