This should be borne in mind when muzzling large dog breeds.

He does nothing. You often hear this when you meet a large dog. Nevertheless, such dogs should have a muzzle or muzzle and be accustomed to wear it. Not always! But if it is necessary, the muzzle should not restrict the dog and he should accept it well.

What is the most important thing about a muzzle?

  • A muzzle is designed to protect your dog from injury and danger
  • It should also protect other dogs from possible attacks or aggressive behavior.
  • The muzzle is intended to protect other people and especially children from uncontrolled bites.
  • A good muzzle is suitable for everyday use and does not interfere with your large dog’s natural movements and behavior.
  • It serves as protection to prevent unwanted food and possible poisoned bait from being eaten.
  • The dog should have enough air to breathe despite the muzzle.
  • The muzzle allows the dog to pant sufficiently to regulate its body temperature and prevent overheating.

What should you look for when buying a muzzle for a large dog?

  • The fit is crucial to ensure that the muzzle fits comfortably and securely.
  • The weight of the muzzle should be appropriate so as not to put unnecessary strain on the dog.
  • The stability of the muzzle is important to ensure that it cannot be easily damaged or removed by the dog.
  • If your dog tends to pick up anything lying around, a muzzle with a food guard or food brake is a good idea to protect him from swallowing unwanted objects.
  • The material. Depending on the character and social behavior of the dog, a metal muzzle may be unavoidable.
Hund mit Limuzz PRO Maulkorb mit Fressschutz

What do I need to consider when choosing a teething muzzle for my large dog breed?

Muzzle for shepherd dog

The German Shepherd is a confident family dog. He is smart, loyal and affectionate. He is very unexcited towards strangers. However, if he thinks he sees a threat, he will intervene.
The muzzle for a German Shepherd must always provide enough space for these active dogs to pant. The dog must be able to regulate its body temperature sufficiently on warm days. Depending on the character of the dog, consider a slightly firmer version of the muzzle. Limuzz offers the PRO version here. This has an integrated scuff guard and is more stable overall. For even tougher use, the heavy duty version of the muzzle is a good choice.

Muzzle for Husky

Husky is a very sporty dog breed. They are very sociable and do not like to be alone. The dogs build a close relationship. However, they often have a hunting instinct that should not be underestimated. A Husky as a family dog is not a problem, however, socialization of the dog is very important.

A muzzle for a husky is not easy to find, given the often very broad head shape, but still relatively narrow nose. The muzzle must fit snugly to ensure a secure hold on the muzzle. With the pronounced hunting instinct of some dogs, we recommend the muzzle in a signal color. On the one hand, this allows the dog to be recognized from afar. At the same time, it is a signal that the dog is secured and cannot do much.

Muzzle for greyhounds

Greyhounds are very independent animals, but tend to like to cuddle a lot. Their owner is their most important caregiver. Greyhounds need their exercise. If they get enough of these, greyhounds are great family dogs who are careful with children.

Muzzles for greyhounds have to fulfill two different tasks.

On the one hand, a muzzle is compulsory for a greyhound that is out and about on the dog racing track or when cursing as a hobby. Limuzz muzzles are approved for racing and allow the dog to breathe freely even at high speeds.

In everyday life and especially when playing with other dogs, it helps to protect the dog. Other dogs often get very frustrated because the fast greyhound is simply too agile for them when playing.
It is important that the shape of the dog’s nose is taken into account when choosing a greyhound muzzle. The long, very narrow nose allows the dog to open its muzzle wide. The depth must be guaranteed. At the same time, the muzzle must not be too wide, otherwise it will not have enough grip on the slender nose.

Muzzle for Rottweiler

Rottweilers already look formidable and sometimes seem threatening. Basically, however, the “Rotti” has a very friendly nature and is good with children and other dogs. However, he should be used to these from an early age.

A Rottweiler has a strong protective instinct and wants to protect his “human pack”. Consistent training of the dog is absolutely essential to prevent incidents.
The muzzle for a Rottweiler depends very much on its character.

Basically, the massive head shape is an essential feature. The muzzle must fit this well and fit perfectly here. The Rottweiler then quickly gets used to the muzzle and accepts it very well.
We at Limuzz offer custom-made muzzles for Rottweilers. The muzzle is made of flexible plastic. If the dog is well socialized but occasionally gets boisterous in play, the material of the muzzle protects him and others from injury.
If the dog has an aggression problem, a metal muzzle should be seriously considered. Only such dogs can really safely absorb the power that these dogs can develop.

Muzzle for Labrador

The Labrador is a dog that wants to work. He is friendly, intelligent and calm.
The Labrador loves exercise and needs to be let out in all weathers.
For active families who spend a lot of time outdoors, the “Labi” is a perfect family dog that is also suitable as a “beginner’s dog“.
A muzzle for a Labrador should be sturdy and be able to cope with the dog’s activity and play instinct. At the same time, a Labrador is said to try to eat everything it finds. Here a muzzle with feeding protection is recommended.

Muzzle for Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is an obedient dog that can also be used for hunting. The dog is eager to please its owners and will not be disturbed by anything.
A retriever is a very pleasant family dog, for families who spend enough time outdoors with them.
Due to its good social compatibility, it is also very easy to keep together with other dogs.
A muzzle for a retriever should be stable and be able to cope with the dog’s activity and play instinct. At the same time, a Goldi is said to try to eat everything it finds. Here a muzzle with feeding protection is recommended.

Muzzle for Doberman

Doberman is an elegant and intelligent dog. He is brave and always ready to defend his family (his pack). Within his “human” pack, the Doberman is cuddly. With good and consistent education he gets along well with children. It is important that he has a caregiver right from the start who gives him security and shows him the way.
A muzzle for a Doberman should be somewhat more stable. Should his defensive instincts kick in, the muzzle must protect him and the “intruder” in pack. The head shape with the long almost greyhound-like nose should fit very well from the width, and the dog in any case enough space to pant. The shape of the Limuzz, somewhat reminiscent of a pelican, ensures that the muzzle fits snugly and that the dog cannot slip the muzzle off upwards. In front where the muzzle can open the furthest, but there is enough space, and the dog has enough cooling in warm temperatures.

Muzzle for Great Dane

The Great Dane – big – impressive and maybe a little intimidating. And then Great Danes are actually very cuddly and affectionate. The Great Dane gets along well with other pets and children. As a guard dog, the Great Dane is well suited simply because of its size.

A muzzle for a Great Dane is hard to find given the size of the animals. In addition, the muzzle must accommodate not only the muzzle but also the often lag hanging down lips. The muzzle should be deep enough to allow the Great Dane to pant well and not press on the lips. Given the size of the animals, a slightly sturdier muzzle is recommended.

Limuzz’s comfortable, flexible yet firm muzzle is custom made for the Great Dane and provides the perfect fit. We are also happy to help you measure if you are not quite sure how to measure the muzzle and chaps. Just send an email to support(@) We report and and support you.

For the following dog breeds often the same applies as above

– Small poodle

– Papillion

– Bolonka Zwetna

– Japan Chin

– Shiba Inu

– Pomsky

– Russkiy Toy

– Cavalier King Charls Spaniel

– Affenpinscher

– Lion

– Dachshund

– Bichon Frisé

– Chinese Crested Dog

– Prague Rattler

– Italian wind chimes

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