What is the difference between a Limuzz and a Limuzz Hard?

With a LiMuZZ your dog finally gets a muzzle that fits.

That’s why we manufacture every muzzle in precise custom work, exactly fitting for the muzzle of YOUR dog – no matter if Cihuahua or Great Dane.

The difference between a Limuzz and a Limuzz Hard is the material we use.

The Limuzz is ideal for dogs that need the muzzle to travel with it in everyday life. Or as protection for the dog from poison bait. For dogs that tend to snap to make their opinions known, the Limuzz is ideal. For the Limuzz, a flexible 3D printing plastic is used, which makes it

The Limuzz Hard is bite resistant and suitable for dogs that have real intent to damage. The muzzle protects the dog and its environment. A solid 3D printing plastic is used for the Limuzz Hard.


Features of the LIMUZZ

  • Custom made – Each muzzle is made individually, according to your dog’s measurements.
  • Controlled readings – Every order is checked by us. We will contact you by mail for any queries. For every Limuzz there is a fit guarantee from us!
  • Lightweight – Due to the materials used, the muzzle is up to ⅔ lighter than other muzzles.
  • Animal Welfare Compliant Our muzzle is tested and awarded the Animal Welfare Compliance Seal.
  • Depth thatis exactly matched to the dog This shape ensures that your dog can pant sufficiently.
  • Fits any dog – Whether you have a Chihuahua or a Golden Retriever. The muzzle fits.
  • Flexible material – The material of the muzzle is flexible, but still strong. It fits perfectly to the dog.
  • Sustainable – Our product is only manufactured when it is ordered. Almost no waste is generated during production.


Features of the LIMUZZ Hard

  • Bite resistant – The Limuzz Hard is made of a special material that guarantees the bite resistance of the muzzle.
  • Custom made – Each muzzle is made individually, according to your dog’s measurements.
  • Controlled readings – Every order is checked by us. We will contact you by mail for any queries. For every Limuzz there is a fit guarantee from us!
  • Lightweight – Due to the materials used, the muzzle is up to ⅔ lighter than other muzzles.
  • Animal Welfare Compliant Our muzzle is tested and awarded the Animal Welfare Compliance Seal.
  • Depth thatis exactly matched to the dog This shape ensures that your dog can pant sufficiently.
  • Fits any dog – Whether you have a Chihuahua or a Golden Retriever. The muzzle fits.
  • Flexible material – The material of the muzzle is flexible, but still strong. It fits perfectly to the dog.
  • Sustainable – Our product is only manufactured when it is ordered. Almost no waste is generated during production.
limuzz gmunden 52 von 56 scaled 1
Limuzz Hard front view

Black Weeks bei Limuzz!!

- 20 € Rabatt

Rabattcode: Black2024

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