Mandatory muzzle for dogs
Muzzle obligation in Austria
Regulations on muzzling or leashing are determined by the individual municipalities.
A state law may also specify a muzzle or leash requirement for a state. Therefore, the legal situation differs in the various federal states or in the individual municipalities.
If a municipality/state has corresponding regulations, the following provisions are common:
- Dogs in the grassland are to be kept on a leash or have to wear a muzzle
- Dogs must be muzzled or kept on a leash outside fenced or enclosed properties and houses in residential areas
Taking dogs on public transport in Austria
Passengers on public transport are usually entitled to take small (non-hazardous) animals free of charge in suitable containers. However, the containers must be such that injury and contamination of persons as well as damage and contamination of equipment and means of transport are excluded.
Dogs are generally required to be muzzled and leashed on public transportation. In most cases, a reduced fare ticket must be purchased to bring a dog.
Muzzle obligation in Germany
Dogs must wear a muzzle and leash when out in public.
Whether and where a muzzle is compulsory in a city or in the countryside varies from state to state. Partly, even individual municipalities can set up guidelines as to whether muzzling is compulsory in public in the respective region.
Most often, the administrative authority decides on leash requirements and muzzle regulations. It is often the case that listed dogs, colloquially better known as fighting dogs, are subject to a muzzle requirement.
Some special permits exist, for certain cities, for example, if it can be proven that although it is a list dog, it is still very peace-loving.
In general, however, safety is paramount, which means that forthe most part a muzzle and leash must be worn.
Muzzle compulsory in Berlin
In Berlin, dog owners of fighting dogs are required to keep the animals on a leash at all times in public, as well as to be muzzled by their masters.
Muzzle obligation in Brandenburg
In contrast, the dog owner ordinance in Brandenburg states that a muzzle is mandatory for small dogs as well as any other size and breed. In all public transport and administrative buildings dogs are allowed in only with a suitable muzzle.
Muzzle obligation in Bavaria
In Bavaria, there are different ordinances regarding the muzzle requirement depending on the municipality. In general, according to the Provincial Criminal and Ordinance Law (Art. 18, para. 2), an order for a muzzle is allowed regardless of the size and breed of the dogs. In Nuremberg and Munich, listed dogs over six months old must wear a muzzle in public.
Muzzle obligation in North Rhine-Westphalia
In North Rhine-Westphalia, this even applies to certain terrier species that are classified as particularly biting and therefore dangerous. In general, therefore, a muzzle is mandatory in NRW. Even on dog runs, certain dogs must wear bite guards unless it is proven that the animal is harmless.
Muzzle compulsory in Italy
Compulsory leash/muzzle: In Italy there is a general compulsory leash for every dog. This means that the dog must be leashed at all times and everywhere in public places.
The maximum line length is 1.5 meters. Flexi leashes (retractable leashes) must be fixed so that the dog has no more than 1.5 meters available.
In the hinterland away from towns, this is not always seen completely strictly. However, you have to expect resentment everywhere and, in case of doubt, a fine if you let your dog run free.
During the hunting season it is especially important that the dog does not run uncontrolled through the terrain. The hunter would have the right to shoot him down.
A muzzle must be carried at all times, but only worn by the dog when requested.
Muzzle compulsory in France
Muzzling in France in general:
For safety reasons, larger four-legged friends must wear a muzzle and be kept on a leash on buses and trains.
Differentiation according to “list dog breeds
Category 1: Category 1 dogs include the American Staffordshire, Bullmastiff, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Tosa Inu, and their mixed breeds. All dogs belonging to category 1 are excluded from entry into France.
Category 2: Category 2 dogs include both category 1 dogs and Rottweilers and corresponding mixed breeds. If these dogs have a valid pedigree and a studbook stating that they are guard/protection dogs, entry into France is permitted. However, dogs must be muzzled and kept on a leash.
In addition, dogs must always be accompanied by a person over 18 years of age and may not be taken into public facilities and transportation.
- DISCLAIMER! We assume no liability for the information provided. The exact regulations can be found on the official websites of the respective countries or directly at the municipalities or the tourist information. Please check the exact regulations in your region before you travel.